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  • Writer's pictureStopTheRotSackTheLot

ACTION 1 – Stage 1&2. Meet in the Street

Meet in the Street!

Encourage your neighbours to stand with you against the tyranny. It starts with you.

  1. Download the Letterbox drop Leaflet and Instruction Sheet from the HOME page.

  2. Read the Instruction Sheet.

  3. Fill in the fields in the Letterbox drop Leaflet and print the Leaflet out.

  4. Drop the leaflets in your neighbours' letterboxes

  5. Meet in the street!


13 comentarios

25 jul 2023

I think Gideon is pretty useless. If it was up to me, I'd sack him. But oh no, gUrU wants someone around that will make him look smart. Which is a tough call. Ya know what I mean?

Anyway, this website is crap. Hardly any cookers here. Have a lovely night, I'm off to go and stare at myself in the mirror.

Bosi xx 🙏🏽

Me gusta

kooka tane
25 jul 2023

derek can ya hear me mate

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A is for Apple
A is for Apple
25 jul 2023
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Byron! I’m so glad that you found the site that I recommend and signed up! Isn’t this great? Much better than Derek!

Me gusta

25 jul 2023

Me gusta

25 jul 2023


Me gusta

25 jul 2023

where do i post the cum feet?

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Vaughn Grech
Vaughn Grech
25 jul 2023
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Your a fuckwit m8

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