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This Witness Statement was made with the input and support of many
well-informed Australian men and women, who also wish to report these alleged crimes and support the vaccine injured.
Covid-19 vaccines DEATHS and Injuries.
Please do the job you signed up for – Protect ALL Australians.
Help restore freedom and justice in our great country.
Make those responsible accountable for their actions.
We have the evidence – the jab is NOT safe, NOT effective.
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Below are the email addresses of 73 Members of parliament voting for the misinfo/disinfo bill. PLEASE SEND THE LETTER BELOW TO THESE MPs
Letter to SEND
I am writing to voice my opposition to the Mis-Information Bill. The reason why the right to freedom of expression is enshrined in the USA Bill of Rights as the First Amendment is because history shows that tyrants limit freedom of expression and when that happens there is never a good outcome for the people of that land. The history of Freedom of Expression has been an evolutionary process since prior to the age of Enlightenment and is inalienable right. In-a-lien (as in no one can bring a lien against this right).
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, adopted during the French Revolution in 1789, specifically affirmed freedom of speech as an inalienable right. The French Declaration provides for freedom of expression in Article 11, which states that:
The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law.
Laws which already exist. Such as defamation and harm not silencing by arbitrary misuse of legislation.
Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, states that:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Today, freedom of speech, or the freedom of expression, is recognised in international and regional human rights law. The right is enshrined in Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights and Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. Based on John Milton's arguments, freedom of speech is understood as a multi-faceted right that includes not only the right to express, or disseminate, information and ideas but three further distinct aspects:
1 – the right to seek information and ideas;
2 – the right to receive information and ideas;
3 – the right to impart information and ideas
The proposed Mis-Information Bill is a violation of all of these and anyone proposing or voting for this should be reported to the international community for their violation of our rights. I do not consent.
luke.gosling.mp@aph.gov.au; Stephen.Jones.mp@aph.gov.au; Catherine.King.mp@aph.gov.au; Jerome.laxale.mp@aph.gov.au; Kristy.mcbain.mp@aph.gov.au; brian.mitchell.mp@aph.gov.au; Shayne.Neumann.mp@aph.gov.au; Alicia.Payne.mp@aph.gov.au; Tania.Pilbersek.MP@aph.gov.au; Amanda.Rishworth.mp@aph.gov.au; tracey.roberts.mp@aph.gov.au; Marion.Scrymgour.mp@aph.gov.au; david.smith.mp@aph.gov.au; susan.templeman.mp@aph.gov.au; Tim.Watts.mp@aph.gov.au; makin@aph.gov.au; Michelle.Rowland.MP@aph.gov.au; Bill.Shorten.MP@aph.gov.au; Dan.Repachali.MP@aph.gov.au; Julian.hill.mp@aph.gov.au; ged.kearney.mp@aph.gov.au; madeleine.king.mp@aph.gov.au; andrew.leigh.mp@aph.gov.au; emma.mcbride.mp@aph.gov.au; rob.mitchell.mp@aph.gov.au; brendan.oconnor.mp@aph.gov.au; graham.perrett.mp@aph.gov.au; sam.rae.mp@aph.gov.au; anne.stanley.mp@aph.gov.au; matt.thistlewaite.mp@aph.gov.au; Anika.Wells.MP@aph.gov.au; Joanne.Ryan.MP@aph.gov.au; Sally.Sitou.MP@aph.gov.au; meryl.swanson.mp@aph.gov.au; maria.vamvakinou.mp@aph.gov.au; john.wilson.mp@aph.gov.au; jodie.belyea.mp@aph.gov.au; matt.burnell.mp@aph.gov.au; mark.butler.mp@aph.gov.au; andrew.charlton.mp@aph.gov.au; sharon.claydon.mp@aph.gov.au; pat.conroy.mp@aph.gov.au; Justine.Elliott.MP@aph.gov.au; carina.garland.mp@aph.gov.au; Michelle.Ananda-Rajah.MP@aph.gov.au; Tony.Burke.MP@aph.gov.au; Josh.Burns.MP@aph.gov.au; jim.chalmers.mp@aph.gov.au; jason.clare.mp@aph.gov.au; Caitlin.Collins@mp.wa.gov.au; mark.dreyfus.mp@aph.gov.au; Mike.Freelander.MP@aph.gov.au; anne.aly.mp@aph.gov.au; Chris.Bowen.MP@aph.gov.au; linda.burney.mp@aph.gov.au; alison.byrnes.mp@aph.gov.au; lisa.chesters.mp@aph.gov.au; Libby.Coker.MP@aph.gov.au; mary.doyle.mp@aph.gov.au; Cassandra.Fernando.MP@aph.gov.au; steve.georganas.mp@aph.gov.au; Gordon.Reid.MP@aph.gov.au; andrew.giles.mp@aph.gov.au; patrick.gorman.mp@aph.gov.au; contact@edhusic.com; matt.keogh.mp@aph.gov.au; tania.lawrence.mp@aph.gov.au; Sam.Lim.MP@aph.gov.au; Louise.Miller-Frost.MP@aph.gov.au; Daniel.Mulino.MP@aph.gov.au; clare.oneil.mp@aph.gov.au; fiona.phillips.mp@aph.gov.au; Kate.Chaney.MP@aph.gov.au; Sophie.Scamps.MP@aph.gov.au; Zoe.Daniel.MP@aph.gov.au; Zali.Steggall.MP@aph.gov.au; Monique.Ryan.MP@aph.gov.au; Kylea.Tink.MP@aph.gov.au
Port Headland Council
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